Ag-Land FS, Inc.
Ag-Land FS, Inc. is a locally owned agricultural cooperative serving producers in Peoria, Tazewell, and Logan counties in Illinois.
Ag-Land FS, Inc. is the result of the merger between Logan FS, Inc. and Tazewell Service Company in 1991, and Heartland FS, Inc. in 2001, putting more than 140 years of agricultural service experience and expertise at your disposal.
Corporate Vision and Mission Statement, Goals, and Values
Vision Statement - To be premier provider of products and services in our trade territory.
Mission Statement - To improve the long-term profitability of our member owners.
People - Foster a work environment that promotes teamwork and provides opportunities for personal and professional development.
Customer Satisfaction - Provide our customers unequaled service and quality products that meet or exceed their expectations.
Profitability - Sustained profitability is our duty to our shareholders and is essential for continued growth and vitality of our company.
Integrity - Integrity is the standard by which we judge ourselves and our business relationships.
Community - Be an environmental steward and positive community leader.
David Uhlman, President...................................................Tremont, IL
Mike Windish, Vice President.............................................Brimfield, IL
Herman Schwantz, Secretary-Treasurer.............................Lincoln, IL
Mike Hoeft...........................................................................Delavan, IL
Robert Asbell.......................................................................Brimfield, IL
Jeff Elsas.............................................................................Lincoln, IL
Kurt Schafer........................................................................Glasford, IL
Dan Jones...........................................................................Mt. Pulaski, IL
David Sinn............................................................................Delavan, IL
Michael Deppert...................................................................Green Valley, IL
David Wagner.......................................................................Elmwood, IL
Daniel Eeten.........................................................................Emden, IL